Motivate Me

Friday, July 31, 2020

Trendy Face Masks with Quotes, Bible Verses, Words....Share your Faith Face Masks

Just a few of the newest face masks in the Trendy Face Masks with Quotes, Verses and Words Collection: The latest is the Sunflower face mask seen above with the 'choose Joy' quote affirmation. 

Up next; a beach lover's face mask with "I'd rather be a the beach" with beach/ocean typography. We have several different styles and designs with the beach theme. (Check full collection link at end of post to see all)

An alternative version of this style is the "I'd rather be" ....with your answer. Swimming? Running? The mountains? Anywhere but here? Personalize this mask below with your own favorite answer:

One of my favorites right now is the Jesus is Essential well as the "I can't do this life without Jesus". Share your faith with these unique Christian face masks or any of our favorite bible verse (KJV) masks.  

These are just a few of the latest additions to the face mask collection from Christian Quote Gift Shop and Quote Life Boutique. We also are now adding face shields (to be worn with face masks). Cute for the kids who have to wear the PPC back to school. 
All of these can be found in full at out collection here: 

Have a blessed day!