Motivate Me

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Bible Verse FaceMasks

Be Still Bible Verse Face Masks from Christian Quotes Shop

 A couple of our newest bible verse face masks and some of my favorite scripture. Above is the "Be Still and Know that I am God" bible verse face mask with aqua feather silhouette accent. 

 Below is the "He shall cover you with feathers" scripture face masks with turquoise and orange lettering (font) and colorful feather accents. Full KJV Scripture:  "He shall cover thee with His feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

This design looks great on either the white or black mask options.

In White:

In Black:
He Shall Cover you with His Feathers Psalms Face Masks

Full Face Mask Collection Here --from Quote Life Boutique, Christian Quotes Shop, Sunflowers and Such Boutique and Motivate Me. A variety of different inspirational designs.

 Have to wear a mask? In a world filled with fear, Share your faith and a little comfort.